Support for Unpaid Carers

Am I a Carer?

A carer is anyone who looks after a friend, family member or neighbour due to old age, physical or mental illness, disability, or an addiction (this does not include paid care workers or those who are volunteering).

The number of unpaid carers in Scotland is not known but it was estimated that there were around 700,000 to 800,000 before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Research from Carers UK suggests that number might now be over a million.

‘Looking after’ can mean helping with things like shopping, domestic tasks, emotional assistance and personal care – all of which are much more difficult during coronavirus.

If this sounds like you, you may be a carer.

When you’re caring for someone, it can feel like there’s no time for you.

But your health and wellbeing are just as important as anyone else’s. And support is available for you.

After all, you can only look after someone else if you look after yourself too.

If this sounds like you, contact Care Information Scotland online or phone 0800 011 3200 to find out about support available. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.

More information is available on NHS Inform.

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