The Practice
Main number | 01290 424713 |
Out of hours (NHS24) | 111 |
Useful Contacts
Ailsa Hospital | 01292 610556 |
Ayrshire Council on Alcoholism | 01292 281238 |
Auchinleck Health Visitors | 01290 422438 |
Ayr Hospital | 01292 610555 |
Ayrshire Central Hospital, Irvine | 01294 274191 |
Ayrshire Maternity Unit | 01563 825306 |
Bentinck Centre | 01563 574237 |
Childline | 0800 1111 |
DSS | 01290 420802 |
Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock | 01563 521133 |
Police | 101 |
Practitioner Services Division | 0141 300 1300 |
Referral management service – check your Hospital appointment | 01563 827070 |
Community Midwives | 01290 425287 |
Community Midwives (after hours and emergencies) | 01563 825427 |
District Nurses (8:00am – 5:00pm) | 01290 423199 |
District Nurses (weekends and evenings 5:30pm – 10:00pm) | 01563 545544 |
East Ayrshire Community Hospital | 01290 429429 |
Heathfield Hospital (Out-patients) | 01292 610557 |
Home Detoxification | 01292 472250 |
National Drug Helpline | 0800 77 66 00 |
NHS 24 | 111 |
Podiatry – Check your appointment | 01563 826361 |
Psychiatric Nurse – Adult | 01290 425947 |
Psychiatric Nurse – Elderly | 01290 420926 |
Relate (Couple Counselling) | 01292 265270 |
Sexual Health Ayrshire (Arrange your own appointment or self-refer) | 01294 323226 |
Samaritans | 01563 531313 |
Social Work Department | 01290 428372 |
Speech and Language Therapist | 01290 426960 |
Ayrshire & Arran Health Board
You may obtain information about health services in this area by contacting the Board at:
Ayrshire and Arran Health Board
Ailsa Hospital
Dalmellington Road
Tel: 01292 513630